Woman Spends 50 Thousand Dollars To Look Like Jessica Rabbit ~ ViralYani

Woman Spends 50 Thousand Dollars To Look Like Jessica Rabbit

At some point in our lives, most of us have wanted to imitate our idols, whether by mirroring their behavior or trying our best to replicate their looks in ourselves. That said, most of us wouldn’t go to the extremes that Carly Mersola has.

The 26-year-antique bartender has always favorite Jessica Rabbit, and as such has spent $50,000 on cosmetic surgery to look just like her cartoon idol. She’s had several breast augmentations, chin implants, lip fillers, and under-eye fillers — but she isn’t stopping there. next, she wants a Brazilian butt lift and another boob job.

On top of all that, Mersola, who wants to “look as plastic as possible,” spends $10,908 every six months on hair extensions, lip injections, and sessions on a tanning bed to maintain her cosmetically-better looks.

“Jessica Rabbit has always been one of my fictional inspirations because of her hourglass body shape and curves,” she explained. “It’s all about being a living doll, expressing yourself and being happy. i really like the attention, people looking at me thinking I look good.” but the attention hasn’t always been fine.

“a lot of people stare, like, hardcore stare. it could be for good or bad reasons, who knows? I look the way I want for myself only, and nobody else,” she said. As for the way she looked pre-surgery, she says she wanted to “enhance” her natural beauty.

“I wanted to enhance what I already had naturally. earlier than plastic surgery, i was more plain, but naturally beautiful in my view,” Mersola said. “I loved myself, always have, because i was raised to know that being a good person is more important than appears.”

but she can’t deny the risks that come with surgery. In fact, her docs have become concerned regarding her lip fillers.

“My lips were getting so big that I’ve had docs refuse to inject me. They told me to come back in two to 4 weeks to get them injected. They said they were scared to inject because they were huge already and didn’t want complications.”

That said, she doesn’t regret her transformation at all.

“beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Be beautiful on the inside first. Do what you want and do what makes you truly happy, always. Don’t worry about people that judge, as long as you’re not hurting anyone else.”

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