diabulimia (Bulimia and Diabetes – A Dangerous Combination) ~ ViralYani

diabulimia (Bulimia and Diabetes – A Dangerous Combination)

Society is beginning to address eating disorders and discuss the effects that are negative towards one’s self. However, there is still ignorance; many deny the prevalence of these types of disorders.

Society is beginning to address eating disorders and discuss the effects that are negative towards one’s self. However, there is still ignorance; many deny the prevalence of these types of disorders.

Each eating disorder is different, yet some have similar effects, and some differ based on their effects on the body. The harmful effects of these eating disorders cause bodies to become susceptible to other types of health issues

The Increased Risk of Life Threatening Diseases

Patients with anorexia nervosa are eighty percent more likely to develop cardiovascular issues whereas individuals with bulimia nervosa are more likely to develop diabetes. There are negative effects which may occur among individuals who are more vulnerable from an eating disorder.

Individuals with bulimia suffer from a potentially life threatening eating disorder. Patients with bulimia typically eat large amounts of food, called binging, and then purge the extra calories.

Ways People with Bulimia Purge

Individuals purge the extra calories in a variety of different ways:
  • Vomiting
  • Laxatives
  • Diuretics
  • Enemas
Each method empties a person’s system, thus ridding their body of the food which they previously overindulged in. Another way to purge is referred to as non-purging.

Non-purging bulimia is where an individual rids themselves of the excess calories through fasting, strict dieting, or excessive exercising. This may seem to be a more noninvasive approach to purging; however, it is still harmful to the body.

Poor Self Image and Low Self Esteem

People with bulimia often have a poor self image and low self esteem. Typically they are focused primarily on their weight and body shape. Many individuals harshly criticize themselves and tear down their appearance, based upon their distorted view of their body.

This misperception based on their appearance contributes to the continuous cycle of binging and then purging. The different methods used to purge one’s body are all harmful and many cause long term damage to an individual who suffers from bulimia.

Diabetes: A Disease of the Metabolism

Many people suffer from the lifelong condition of either type one or type two diabetes. This is a disorder of the metabolism which causes excessive thirst among individuals.

People with diabetes have a high amount of sugar in their blood which is harmful to their bodies. Before being diagnosed with diabetes, an individual typically experiences a moderate level of weight loss.

Upon being diagnosed, an individual will be put on insulin in order to regulate their bodies. Insulin protects muscle mass from breaking down, but it also encourages fat storage in the body.

Insulin will lower blood sugar levels, thus keeping an individual functioning and healthy. If a person skips their insulin injects they will experience increased sugar levels which may result in dehydration, and if continued with cause a breakdown among muscle tissues.

Skipping Insulin Can Have Dangerous Consequences

For a diabetic, insulin is their lifeline, it contributes to their health and keeps their body balanced. However, if an individual were to skip their insulin injections they would open up their body to multiple harmful side effects.

Earlier, I mentioned that insulin promotes fat storage in the body, but for many people, this is not an acceptable side effect to diabetes. Instead, they seek to control their weight, and do so through limiting their insulin injections.

If a diabetic limits the body from insulin they will experience higher blood pressure, as well as muscle tissue breakdown. Many diabetics will control their eating habits in order to manage their weight, and they use their diagnosis in order to hide their harmful eating habits.

This is one reason why this type eating disorder may go undiagnosed or unnoticed for an extended period of time.

What Happens When Bulimia and Diabetes Are Together

When a bulimic individual purges their body, they are inadvertently robbing their body of insulin. This is the same with a diabetic who purges, or limits their insulin injections.

For this reason, diabetics have a higher chance of becoming bulimic, compared to individuals who are not. Young women with Type One diabetes are shown to be 2.4 times more likely to develop some form of eating disorder.

Individuals with diabetes who struggle with their weight face similar symptoms to an individual who suffers from an eating disorder.

Treatment Is Available

Both of these disorders are harmful to the body and require some type of rehabilitation. Most will simply prescribe regular intervals of insulin for diabetics, but if they have an eating disorder or similar symptoms, they may need more personal treatment.

Individuals with bulimia should enroll in some type of therapy, whether it is group, individual, or family. For patients who are suffering from either disorder, or both, they may need to look into a rehabilitation center.

Treatment centers offer excellent professional staff members who are available to assist with the recovery process. These options are all viable and will help in the recovery process.

Rader Programs for Eating Disorder Treatment

The Rader Programs’ treatment staff has been providing superior clinical programs for more than 30 years. Our mission is to provide individuals who are struggling with eating disorders the individualized care that they need to triumph over their disorders and enjoy a lifetime of recovery.

Eating disorders like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, orthorexia and compulsive overeating, can be devastating and fatal if left untreated.

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