Couple Who Lost 300 Pounds Gets A Makeover From Rachel Ray – See Their Stunning Transformation ~ ViralYani

Couple Who Lost 300 Pounds Gets A Makeover From Rachel Ray – See Their Stunning Transformation

One of the best ways to make sure that we are placing ourselves on the right path and finding out more about what we are truly made of is by finding a buddy who is in the same boat. This is especially true when we are in the process of losing weight. Some of us are lucky enough to have a significant other that can serve as our buddy once we decide to shave off the unwanted pounds.

One of the best ways to make sure that we are placing ourselves on the right path and finding out more about what we are truly made of is by finding a buddy who is in the same boat. This is especially true when we are in the process of losing weight. Some of us are lucky enough to have a significant other that can serve as our buddy once we decide to shave off the unwanted pounds.

Bo and Amber are a couple who recently decided to jump into the weight loss arena. They tied the knot four years ago and once they were wed, they realized that they were both starting to put on a fair amount of weight. Amber blames her pregnancy. She says that once she became pregnant, her eating habits changed drastically. Unfortunately, she maintained these habits once the baby was born.

Can you believe that this couple once tipped the scales at a combined weight of 700 pounds? As a result of their weight gain, their relationship began to suffer. It can be hard to maintain the spark when we are subsisting on garbage food and never taking the time to exercise. This couple finally decided that enough was enough and they were willing to do whatever it took to get back in shape.

They started eating properly and dedicating themselves to exercise. As a result of their decision making, they were able to lose a collective 300 pounds. Once they lost the weight, they found themselves in need of new clothing. Bo and Amber decided that they would reach out to the one and only Rachael Ray to find out if she could help.

As you may have guessed, Rachael was more than happy to lend a hand to the couple. She invited Bo and Amber onto her show with the intentions of providing them with a makeover. To make things even more exciting, they were separated from one another while the makeover was taking place. This kept them from being able to ruin the surprise…

We are not about to ruin the surprise, either. If you would like to find out more about how this makeover turned out, we urge you to take a closer look at the following video. Once you have seen Bo and Amber’s transformation, be sure to pass it along. After all, Rachael’s good cheer is always contagious!

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