Unbelievable Photos Captured At Airports ~ ViralYani

Unbelievable Photos Captured At Airports

A lot can happen while your'e waiting for your flight. Long hours of waiting can sometimes create bizarre and funny situations. Whether it's the man covered with nothing but newspapres, trying to take a nap; or some bored students performing gymnastic routines on the rail - the waiting can be truly magical if you'll only open your eyes.

A lot can happen while your'e waiting for your flight. Long hours of waiting can sometimes create bizarre and funny situations. Whether it's the man covered with nothing but newspapres, trying to take a nap; or some bored students performing gymnastic routines on the rail - the waiting can be truly magical if you'll only open your eyes.

We gathered some pictures of situations you wouldn't want to miss - all taken at the airport. Have a look and a laugh!

Suspect No. 55893, Kate Beckinsale

Not even famous actress Kate Beckinsale could get away with not walking through the full body scan at the airport.

Don't Try to Conceal Your Weapon

This photo was taken in the right place and the wrong time

He'll Wait, I Have to Tie My Shoe

A day at the airport can easily become hectic. When travelling with a baby, that's inevitable. Luckily, you find a haven from time to time, in the form of airport scanners.

Never Skip Leg Day‬‏

Some reflections just tell the best stories.

Lost Luggage

We guess this flight's luggage was stuck in the place for quite some time.

But I Wanted to Play Near the Runway...

apparently some people need a reminder to keep a distance from a running airplane engine. FYI it is recommended to stay at least 3 to 4 plane lengths behind a running engine in case you do not want to suffer skin blemish

I Hope There Was Nothing Suspicious Inside

Airport scanners, dubbed as “naked" scanners, transmit a graphical image of the entire body and are meant to make us feel safe. But it seems not everyone understands the correct way to use it. Next time, Make sure only your bag gets inside

Boarding the Invisible Plane

It takes some level of sanity and patience to stand on the air stair with passengers waiting to get on the plane. It has taken combined efforts from mathematicians and scientists to solve this, but sometimes you just find yourself somewhere in the middle

3 Minutes is a Pretty Intense Kiss

Some might say limiting the time of goodbyes is quite a big interference with one's life. Others might say they don't want to be late

Oops They Did it Again

Yes, you are correct, these are Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. Even they have to go threw security

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#ViralYani : Get all the #latest #interesting, hilarious, and mind-blowing #stories on the Web. This is the stuff everyone's talking about.

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