Incredible Illegal Photos From Atop Egypt's Great Pyramid Of Giza
Almost everyone has seen pictures of the various pyramids in Egypt. Professional photographers flock to the Pyramid of Giza every year to capture its beauty; however, all of these images are either captured from the ground or in the air.
Almost everyone has seen pictures of the various pyramids in Egypt. Professional photographers flock to the Pyramid of Giza every year to capture its beauty; however, all of these images are either captured from the ground or in the air.
We never get to see any images from atop the pyramids, since scaling them is illegal and can get you thrown in jail for years. Nonetheless, has the threat of jail-time ever stopped dare devils?
Of course not. Recently, a group of Russian photographers hid from the guards for hours and managed to climb the Pyramid of Giza and captured unbelievable photographs which you can see below:

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